Having doubts before a cosmetic surgery operation is normal for any patient. For this reason, we have prepared this guide of recommendations for a cosmetic surgery operation:


  1. Making the decision to carry out a cosmetic surgery operation is something very personal, and a decision that you should meditate well. You must be clear about the reasons why you want to undergo the operation. Fundamentally, you should want to make this change in appearance for yourself, never due to social pressure or external recommendations.
  2. Once you have made the decision, choosing a cosmetic surgery clinic is a vitally important job. Always go to a trusted and experienced cosmetic surgery clinic, with qualified professionals specialized in the type of operation you want to perform. In addition, if you are looking for a cosmetic surgery clinic in Valencia to undergo a treatment, at Klenner & Pérez-Plaza we can help you.
  3. Trust with your surgeon is essential to achieve a satisfactory result. Ask him all the questions you have before the operation , so you will fully understand what the intervention consists of and the recovery period afterwards. You must allow yourself to be advised by him. He is an experienced professional and is the best person to advise you.
  1. The week before the operation, try to eat healthy, drink plenty of water and reduce the consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages. In addition, you should try not to smoke for a few weeks before (3-4 weeks) of the operation. Tobacco is harmful to health, but also for the proper evolution and healing of your wounds.
  2. Talk to your family and / or friends to explain the operation you are going to undergo. Many people may feel ashamed to tell family or friends about this type of operation, but they are the best support you can have in the weeks before and after the operation, where you will need their help and care during recovery.

The day of the operation

  1. Prior to the intervention, you must provide your surgeon with the preparatory tests that have been performed , as well as sign a consent for the intervention. We will provide you with pre and postoperative recommendation sheets , as well as an admission sheet for the hospital, and thus make things easier for you. To do this, days before make a folder with all the documentation so that you do not leave anything forgotten.
  2. As soon as you arrive at the clinic, speak with your doctor to let him know the latest questions about the process that may have arisen. Do not wait until after the operation, it is better to waste a few minutes to solve these doubts than to get unwanted surprises later.
  3. Wear comfortable clothes , whether it is an outpatient surgery and you can go home, or if you must stay in the hospital some night. Depending on the type of operation, wear clothes adapted for it. If the intervention is carried out on the torso or head, use garments that are buttoned in the front so that they can be easily removed and put on. Avoid wearing makeup and using body moisturizers on the day of the intervention. It is preferable that you do not wear polish on your nails.
  4. On the day of the operation, get up early enough not to run . Surely you will feel nervous @ about the intervention, so the last thing you need is more stress and having to run. Go to the clinic early in case there are too many people in admission or last minute paperwork to fill out.
  5. If you have followed all the recommendations for before the cosmetic surgery operation, feel reassured on the day of the operation. You must relax and be sure of the decision you have made. If your nerves are playing tricks on you, talk to your doctor to reassure you.


  1. The days after the operation you will not be in a position to make many movements, so make sure that someone will be accompanying you at all times to help you with things such as moving around the house, showering (if your doctor allows it ) or to have your food prepared.
  2. Strictly follow the recommendations that your plastic surgeon has given you. Take relative rest for the indicated time and go regularly to the reviews that have been marked to check that everything is evolving satisfactorily.
  3. At any time and at the slightest anomaly, go to your clinic or the hospital. Although it is infrequent, after a cosmetic surgery operation, infections can appear, which must be alleviated immediately so that they do not cause major complications.
  4. During the time that your doctor has recommended, do not do any type of physical exercise that may prevent proper healing. The weeks after the operation, the wounds are in the process of healing, so you must be careful not to make efforts. Find out when it is advisable to start practicing sports.
  5. In the weeks after the operation, don’t get nervous @ if you still can’t see the results of the operation. The area of ​​the intervention is still inflamed, but little by little it will go down, so do not be scared if at first the result is not as you expected.

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