The way your house looks and feels has an important effect on your stress levels. While the right settings can help you relax and relieve stress, the wrong ones can trigger your anxiety and keep you feeling uncomfortable. Your home is your oasis and how you design it can turn it into a true sanctuary. Here are some key interior design hacks that will actively help you relieve stress and anxiety every single day.

Let the Sunshine In:

Nothing makes a house feel cozy more than lighting. The bigger your windows, the better. You need light in your life and you need to let it in. While sometimes we all need some time in the shade, avoid heavy curtains or bulky sun-blocking gear. Instead, keep it as a backup plan. Choose small thin blinds that you can pull up when you don’t need them. Choose sheer and soft curtains in light off-white colors that will make the lighting in your room warmer. This will have a positive influence on the atmosphere in the rooms. Avoid blocking windows at all costs. In fact, you should keep the space around the windows as free as possible. Avoid placing closets, cupboards, cases, or other large objects right next to the windows. Keeping it clear will boost the power of the natural light coming in.

Sleeping Sanctuary:

Your sleeping space and all the accessories that go in it are crucial for a stress-free life. Sleep hygiene should be taken seriously, and interior design has a huge impact on it. Keep your bedroom as free as possible. This should be your number one room to declutter (we’ll get to that soon enough). Instead of bringing in furniture, focus on the right accessories that can help you improve your sleep. For instance, a weighted blanket will actively help you relieve anxiety by applying the right amount of pressure on your body while you sleep. Essentially, you will be tucked in all night long. You should also choose high-quality pillows and a memory foam mattress to go with it to make sure you get a good night’s rest.

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Outdoor Plants Indoors:

While spending time in nature is not something that we can do on a daily basis, bringing in some nature into your home will have a positive effect on your mood. Interior plants can change the entire mood in a room, and they also purify the air. One trend that is definitely here to stay is having outdoor plants indoors. With the right technique, you can make a bonsai tree out of pretty much any outdoor tree. Imagine having a small apple tree in your living room and eating apples from it. Another lovely example is a herb garden for your kitchen. The process of growing your own aromatic plants is unexpectedly rewarding, and it adds a personal touch to the food you make.

Surround Yourself with Soothing Colors:

Most of us pick strong bright colors like red, blue, and green as our favorite colors, but while wearing these colors can make us feel happy and empowered, making these colors the center of our interior design will not have the same effect. Walls painted in stringent shades of red or green or dark blue or back walls can actually trigger anxiety, so they should be avoided. Keep the colors in your home as light as possible to have things light on the inside as well. Light sky blue, light pastels, tan, beige, or white are the ideal choices for your home. Mix and match them as you please and keep strong colors to the minimum. This way, they stand out, make a statement, but the rest of the room preserves your calm.

Declutter, Declutter, Declutter:

This is the golden rule of interior design. While the Marie Kondo method might be a bit excessive, the idea comes from a good place. Don’t clutter up your house with things you don’t need. Keep each room in your home as aired up as possible, but pay special attention to some key parts. For instance, keep your bookshelves half empty rather than stacking your books from end to end. This small detail goes a long way because it creates a relaxed atmosphere in the room. Free up your entryway so that each time you walk into your home you get a positive feeling, rather than having to work your way through clutter right from your very first step. Organize periodic decluttering sprees to reassess the items in your home. If you are bringing in more than you are taking out, then you are on your way to a cluttered home, so work on preventing it and you will not have to deal with the consequences.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways in which the interior design in your home affects your stress levels. With these 5 hacks in mind, you can turn your house into a relaxing oasis and keep away the stress every single day.

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