How to Do It Effectively and Why it Matters


If you’re just starting your skincare journey, know that regularly cleansing your face is a non-negotiable in your daily routine. This is because cleansing brings so many different health benefits to your skin.

For one, it removes makeup, sweat, excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Aside from this, cleansers also help manage your skin’s PH levels, which gives you a more hydrated and radiant look.

So, if you’re wondering how you can make the most out of your cleansing routine, here are the best tips that you should try:

  1. Learn which facial cleanser is best suited for your skin type

There are different types of facial cleansers on the market today, and each serves a specific purpose. It’s essential that you choose the best cleanser for your skin type.

If you have dry skin, avoid any facial wash that has high alcohol content. Instead, go for cream-based cleansers and micellar water. For people with oily skin, it is best to get a cleanser with a low PH level. You can opt for foaming or gel cleansers as these suit your skin more.

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergic reactions, you may want to check out natural or organic cleansers. These come without harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances, so you don’t need to worry about skin inflammation or irritation.

  1. Clean your face twice a day

It is best practice to cleanse your face twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening. Washing your face in the evenings is especially important since you’ve been exposed to pollutants, viruses, and grime during the day. Removing these impurities can help regenerate and renew your skin cells while you sleep.

However, you should also cleanse your face after you wake up. Experts believe that bacteria from your saliva and oils from your hair can easily transfer to your face while you sleep. Once these layers of dirt are removed from your face, your morning skincare products are then able to penetrate your skin properly.

  1. Don’t get too aggressive with your cleansing

You don’t need to apply or leave on your facial wash for an extremely long period for it to take effect. It’s enough that you finish washing your face in about 20 seconds.

Applying more pressure on your skin won’t help either. Do not rub your skin too aggressively, as this can easily lead to irritated and inflamed skin. The key is to be as gentle as possible while ensuring that you’re still cleaning your face thoroughly.

  1. Maintain the right water temperature while cleansing your face

Many people think that hot water is best for opening up pores when washing the face and that cold water is used to close them. However, this is not accurate at all!

On the one hand, hot water may irritate or dry out your skin. On the other, cold water may not wash out the dirt as effectively. It’s actually recommended to use lukewarm water instead.

  1. Consider double cleansing at times

Double cleansing is a method of cleansing your face twice—with an oil-based and a water-based cleanser, in that order.

You may want to consider double cleansing if you wear heavy makeup and are constantly exposed to many pollutants. Because you are doing two rounds of washing, you can remove deeper layers of grime and dirt off your face.

Before adding this to your routine, make sure that you proceed with caution. You wouldn’t want to over-cleanse either, as this can cause unnecessary dryness, irritation, and acne.

  1. Use clean towels to dry off your face

This may seem like a simple tip, but its importance shouldn’t be underestimated!

You should definitely make it a habit to regularly change the towel you use to pat your face dry. Reusing the same one multiple times can increase the presence of bacteria on it, causing acne. You may also want to consider antimicrobial towels or washcloths to ensure that the towels are as clean as possible.

  1. Check the instructions on your chosen cleanser

Before you try out your new cleansers, make sure that you read the recommended usage amount as printed on the label. You shouldn’t use too much just because you think it will bring about better results—it might actually do the complete opposite!

Aside from this, some facial cleansers provide additional warnings that you must take note of. For example, for a facial wash that specifically targets acne, one is generally cautioned against using other topical acne medications at the same time as this would cause skin irritation.

The Right Way to Cleanse

If you reached this part of the article, it should now be clear to you that skin cleansing matters and that there’s so much more to it than just washing your face with water whenever you feel like it. You should first consider the type of cleanser most suited for your skin type and the best practices for when you apply the products.

We hope you learned a thing or two about the right way to cleanse your face through this article. As long as you follow the tips above, we’re sure that you’ll be able to reap the benefits of a good cleansing routine.

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