8 Things You Can Do on Your Mother’s Birthday

Moms are no less than miracle workers if you ask us, they take care of their husbands, kids, the house, work and so much more. The physical and mental energy they need to do all this and still have time for their family is just amazing. This is why we need to celebrate our moms whenever we get the opportunity like on Mother’s Day, women’s day, and of course her birthday!

Now a lot of moms just want to spend some quality time with their children, especially when they’re young adults and have their own personal lives. There are a lot of things you can do on your mom’s birthday, you can choose to do it for her or with her, choose from activities that can be fun or productive. If you’re wondering what you can do for her birthday, keep reading for 8 fun ideas.

1. Activities You Can Do Staying Indoors

What’s a birthday celebration without sweets? Get together with your mom to bake cookies together, you can experiment with flavors and colors while playing your mom’s favorite tunes in the background. You can even learn some family recipes or special childhood recipes. This little activity can be a bonding experience for you and your mom.

Moving on the topic of family activities, a fun one is game night; this is an indoor activity that would take no physical stamina so it’s perfect for some relaxing time on this special day. You can choose from games like jigsaws, board games, charades, and Pictionary. If your mom isn’t into games then you can just get together and watch a movie or do a movie marathon (play her favorites).

2. Outdoor Activities for Quality Time with Family 

Often times moms get so busy that they don’t get to enjoy their weekdays or their weekends. Everybody deserves some fun, to take a break and just spend time with their family. So, go on out with your family to spend some quality time together.

Some other fun places to go would be to the zoo, the aquarium, or an amusement park. Before you pass on this idea, hear me out. Whenever your mom took you to these places, chances are she didn’t get to explore or enjoy as she was busy making sure that you were happy and safe, so now it’s your turn to do the same for her. Take her to one or more of these places on her birthday and focus on her, what she’ll like to do, eat or see. And she’ll enjoy this for she will have your (her family’s) company to do all this. Make her feel special and like the main character on her birthday.

3. Special Activities for Just the Two of You

Let me share some activities that you can do with your mom for some one-on-one bonding time. First of all, if your mom loves to get out of the house don’t just come home sit on the couch, and think that would work. Take her out for a drive, get some fresh air, crank up some tunes by artists that she listens to, and just enjoy. If you want, you can even go to a scenic place in the city or its outskirts to do some sightseeing, walk around, click pictures and talk about her life, her experiences.

If your mom has an artistic side, be it music, painting, knitting, or any other thing, then take her to attend a special art workshop. It could be painting, sketching, crocheting, etc. wherein she gets to explore, learn, and have fun all the while sharing this with you. At the end of this session, you can even take what she made, get it framed so that she can put it on display, and look back at it with love.

4. Take Your Mom to Her Favorite Places

Your mom has always made it a point to know what things you like and what are your favorite places to go to. Now that you’re no longer a child it’s also your responsibility to take an interest and get to know her, not just as your mom but as a person.

Take her out to all the places she loves to go to, could be the simplest of places that don’t make sense to you but as this day is about her, just do it. You can take her to the farmer’s market if she loves to explore and buy fresh products, take her to watch a play or an old movie that she’s loved ever since she was young. You can take her to the beach, build sandcastles, go for a swim or even just lie down, letting her tan while she reads her favorite book. Remember, all these places have to be her favorite or somewhere that she’s wanted to go to for a long time.

5. Take Care of Food-Related Activities for the Day

You can start with letting her sleep for the day, while you can make breakfast for everyone. You don’t have to whip up some extravagant dish but the simple gesture of making eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee would work too. You could even take all this and let her enjoy breakfast in bed, pamper her as she has done for all of you.

Instead of cooking you can take her out for lunch, go to some new restaurant or a popular café where she can try something new, and where you guys can just sit down to chat.

During dinner time make sure you take her to her favorite restaurant and get your whole family right there with you. You can get a cake, sing for her and make her feel special by celebrating. Another thing you could do is book a table for her at her favorite restaurant and either let her enjoy herself with your dad or call up her friends. Whatever you choose here, make sure she gets ready and keep it a secret to really surprise her.

6. Celebrate the Day with Some Alcohol  

If you and your siblings are all above the drinking age, then you can take her on a tour of all the famous cocktail bars in the city where she can taste drinks, let loose and just enjoy. You don’t have to make her feel old, take her to dance (if she likes to dance), and just have a good time.

Another fun alcohol-related activity is wine tasting. You can get her a weekend trip, with you or your dad where she can drink different wines, eat good food and just relax without doing anything.

7. Give Her a Day Filled with Self-Care Activities

Moms are always so busy taking care of everyone that they don’t get the time or the space to just focus on themselves, just take care of themselves mentally or physically. As an adult, she also needs some self-care time so on her birthday give her that time. One such activity is taking her to a salon to get a haircut, blowout, and whatever else she needs.

You can also get her a spa day voucher so she can go get massages, skin care treatment, and basically everything she needs to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. This would also give her some much-needed alone time.

Self-care is not just about your hair and skin; it is also about how you look and feel about yourself. One way you can help your mom with that is by taking her shopping. With so many online stores nowadays, just sit down with her and buy clothes for her. A great online store for mothers and daughters is ForDaughter where you can buy clothes that are for casual settings, dressy parties, or even just sleepwear.

8. Let Her Decide What She Wants to Do

Now I know that all we’ve been talking about here in this post are ways in which you can make your mom’s birthday special which is a sweet gesture on your part but let’s not forget that it is her birthday. Don’t make a list of activities that’ll take all her time on this day, just plan one or two.