10 Instagram Worthy Couple Goals Ideas in 2022

vinod kumar If you use Instagram there’s a good chance that you’ve come across posts in your feed that says ‘couple goals’ in hashtags. Now couple goals are relationship goals, they describe an action or a thing that couples do that helps in strengthening the relationship.

With the pandemic and quarantining together, a lot of couples had their relationships tested. Some of them broke up while the others came out of it with a better bond and understanding of each other. Take this as a lesson and actively work on making your relationship better, one way of doing that is by setting couple goals. Sharing these moments on Instagram only makes you feel better as you get to share something special with your friends and family. So, we bring you 10 Instagram-worthy couple goals that will help make your relationship deeper and stronger.

1.   Have Weekly Date Nights

Plan to have one date night every week, could be on a weekday or weekend, whatever works for you. Having weekly date nights is important as you need to have some time wherein you can relax, be with each other, talk about your week and just be with each other without distracting thoughts about work or anything else.

Date nights do not have to be expensive or tiring, it can be as simple as going for a walk together, going for a long drive with some music, having a picnic in the park, going to the movies, etc. Remember, date nights can be a way for you to be consistent in maintaining the health of your relationship.

Go on Double Dates


Every couple some time or the other feels like there’s been a lull in their relationship which is normal but don’t pretend it’s not there. Instead take steps to make sure it doesn’t become a permanent part of your relationship.

If you and your boyfriend have been together for a long period, a double date would be a great way to mix things up. Spending quality time with certain other couples may shake up your normal date night, be it with your partner’s couple friends, yours, or shared friends. And if the double date doesn’t work out, you could always head home with your partner for a movie marathon or game night. In any case, you’ll have a fresh experience to discuss with one another.

1.   Plan Fun Activities Together

Whenever couples initially meet, they normally spend a lot of time doing fun activities and also dedicate valuable time to getting to know one another. Most couples try to maintain that spark in their relationship, but with kids, home chores, and long job hours, having time to truly enjoy being together and have fun frequently takes second place to other responsibilities (Markman, Stanley, Blumberg, Jenkins, & Whiteley, 2004; Parrott & Parrott, 2006).

Having some fun together will help you as a couple to feel happy feelings, which can boost your relationship’s quality, help you connect to overcome differences, and provide hope while facing life’s challenges. Some fun activities you can do as a couple is getting massages, trying a new restaurant, going to a concert, going to an amusement park, and taking a dance class together.

Cooking Together or For Each Other

Cooking is an intimate activity, when you do it with your partner or for them you get to know them better. You’ll get to learn about their likes, dislikes, and particular tastes when it comes to food, which will contribute to making your relationship richer.

To make sure that this doesn’t create any issues, divide the responsibilities in the kitchen making sure you can enjoy doing this. Try learning new recipes together, making grocery lists, and cooking for each other. Making an effort to cook something for your partner and doing it with enthusiasm is not only kind but also helps your partner respect and cherish you for your efforts.

1.   Dedicate One Day a Month to your Partner

Make it a couple goal to give your partner one day of the month where it’s all about them. Let them decide what they want to do, do all of their favorite things, and shower them with attention. It’s easy to take each other for granted when you have been together for a long time, but if you make this day a ritual it’ll keep the romance going alive.

Keep in mind that do whatever your partner likes and join them in the fun. Give them a day where you both can stop being serious adults and just have fun.

1.   Learn Your Partner’s Love Language 

Learning how to show your affection to your partner in a way that connects with them and meets their needs is crucial for any healthy relationship. There are five main love languages and they are: spending quality time, getting gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch. For instance, if getting gifts is their love language, getting a gift from you might brighten their day and dramatically improve their mood.

Understanding your partner’s love language helps you to recognize and fulfill their needs before they voice them. You both are less likely to experience misunderstandings if you know how to communicate with your partner on their level. This will help your relationship mature in a better manner.

1.   Create Your Couple’s Bucket List

One of the love languages is spending time together. When spouses or couples in serious relationships stop planning new things together, it’s common to get into a pattern. It all becomes more like a job, be it housework, or just falling asleep together while watching a movie. Months might start to seem the same, and indeed the heat between you might dim.

Having a bucket list for partners will help to make sure that you don’t overlook your relationship amid your personal interests, career, or other responsibilities. If you want some ideas to add to your list, you can add things like watching a sunrise together, going on a day trip spontaneously, going wine tasting, writing each other love letters, having your dream date, etc.

2.   Wear Matching Clothes Together

A fun trend going around online is where couples wearing matching clothes. Some people love it and some don’t but if your partner loves the idea then go for it. You can start off slow, like start by wearing matching workout clothes, and when you feel more comfortable going for matching outfits in social settings.

If you’re not comfortable with the thought of wearing matching clothes outside then just do this at home when it’s only the two of you. You can get matching onesies and pajama sets that you can just lounge around in while you watch movies or cook together. If you don’t have matching PJs don’t worry, you can buy them from Pajamas Love, an online store dedicated to fun sleepwear and loungewear.

1.   Celebrate Each Other

Celebrations provide us with a sense of success and appreciation for even the tiniest accomplishments and milestones (birthdays, anniversaries). Feeling noticed helps us to feel happy for ourselves and take pleasure in everything we accomplish in life since we know there’s someone who cares.

This sense of appreciation from their partner improves their emotional connection. Celebrations generate excitement and suspense, which changes your daily routine and serves as an extra confidence booster. When your partners’ spirits are good, love increases and your relationship will become stronger.

 Take a Vacation

Vacations are an excellent way to spend time with your partner. It’s a powerful method to connect more deeply with them. If you are currently in a long-term relationship, take a trip to liven up your loving relationship and rediscover your passion.

Taking a vacation helps you to remove all distractions from the daily grind, and concentrate on one another. Traveling with your partner creates more than just romantic moments to cherish. You may also share entertaining and interesting experiences. Ultimately, these kinds of moments will help you deepen your connection.