5 tips to create a healthy relationship with social media


Health is a thing that should be prioritized among everything. But there is a problem with people. The problem is that by the word health people only think about physical health only. Physical health matters too but mental health is a thing people know nothing about. Despite the modern world and modern thinking people still don’t prioritize mental health and because of that, anyone suffering from depression or anxiety is labeled insane. Many things are major role players in affecting people mentally. Among all of them, social media is also the one.

Social media was invented and introduced to people for making their work easy. Information now seems to be one click away that doesn’t seem to be before. But anything that has pros, has its cons too. Slowly and gradually social media became a platform for competing with each other’s lives and having a fake display of life just to grab people’s attention. This led to making many people depressed and feeling bad about themselves. Finding a phone lost is easy by using a mobile tracking app rather than finding the positivity that you lost on social media. We are not here to tell you about the demerits of social media but to tell you the tips through which a relation that is full of positive vibes can be maintained with it.

Take a break:

This is the kind of advice that is given by the majority of the people and trust me it is the most fruitful one. Anything that is used more can be harmful. Talking about addiction to social media here. A person who gets addicted to it finds himself caught up with a fake world or temporary distraction. One starts feeling agitated after constant use of applications especially social media but they can’t help themselves to get rid of this addiction. Taking a break is a useful tip as it helps in reducing the connectivity addiction and the need to check the phone after every few minutes. Once the addiction ends you will realize that social media is just a part of your day. You will also start doing something productive with the time that you saved by not using it excessively. And when you will be back with using social media after the break, you will find your mind less occupied and will feel resistant to not use it excessively.

Alter your following:

A world that we live in has more negativity to offer rather than positivity and because of that many people avoid human interactions and find themselves more comfortable being isolated rather than being in an environment full of human beings. The difference between real life and life on social media is that you cannot remove people from your real life but you can do that on social media. The accounts you have online should be an escape for you rather than being the same judgmental zone that the world is. You should better unfollow the accounts that have negativity to offer to save yourself from the toxicity that these feeds have to offer. Follow those accounts that are full of motivation and positivity. This will make you love social media and help you grow every day.

Think before posting:

Maintaining peace with social, media doesn’t only mean receiving positivity from the contents posted by others. But it also includes your efforts. Just like you seek positivity from posted contents on social media like this only you have to be the one as well posting contents full of positivity. Before posting anything on your social media, keep all the aspects in mind. Think that any content that you post does not involve any hate speech or a thing that might offend anyone.

Connect with purposeful content:

There are many kinds of content and accounts available on social media. Each one of the accounts has different kinds of content to offer. Not every content needs to have a purpose to offer.  You need to pay attention to the contents having a purpose. The purpose is subjective for everyone. For example a person looking for content related to fashion must like a content like how to grow in fashion. Pay attention to the contents that have a purpose that seems approaching to you. Self- development, improvement, self-love these are few examples of purpose. This tip will help you in getting the right kind of energy from social media.

Avoid mindless scrolling:

Scrolling is an activity loved by the majority of the people. The highest percentage of people that are indulged in it are youngsters. They spend their most number of hours scrolling. This leads to two kinds of damages to them. One is the waste of time that hinders them in doing the important tasks of the day that is also called procrastination. The second one is unwanted negativity. Scrolling doesn’t only refer to checking the feed of the people you follow but it also refers to checking the feed of people that you don’t follow. Many social applications have explore pages and the content you see there is unwanted but still, you get to explore it, and in some way or other, you get unwanted negativity through comparing yourself to them or considering their lives unhappy as compared to others.

Remember, nobody shares their failures on social media. They always share their achievements. So better not to think bad about yourself.

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