4 Natural Ways You Can Get Healthier Hair


Dry and damaged hair can be caused by a multitude of things. From sun exposure to vitamin deficiency, there could be more reasons than one that your hair doesn’t look or feel as good as you want it to.

You’ve probably tried a bunch of expensive shampoos, conditioners, and treatments for your hair that either didn’t give you the results you wanted or were too expensive to keep turning to whenever you faced a hair dilemma. However, you’d be pleased to know that there are different ways you can improve your hair health naturally and affordably.

Here are some tried and tested ways you can get healthier hair for good.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a really good alternative to expensive deep conditioning treatments, as research shows that it penetrates hair fibers, making it a great remedy for heat damaged hair. By saturating your hair with coconut oil and leaving it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing out, the appearance and texture of your hair will improve significantly.

Avoid Heat

Heat styling and sun exposure are the two most common culprits for dry and damaged hair. While blow-drying or using a straightening/curling iron may have been a part of your routine for a while, it’s also contributing to the worsening quality of your hair.

Styling and applying leave-in treatments in damp hair can help you retain the look you want without compromising the quality of your hair. It’s also best to keep your blow dryer at least 6 inches away from your scalp to lessen the damage.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often used as a treatment for dandruff and an itchy scalp, but it can also help with the appearance and strength of your hair in the long term, as its acid closes the cuticle of the hair and balances the hair’s pH levels.


You can apply a diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar onto the hair before proceeding with your usual shower routine. Taking it orally can help strengthen your hair over time while also providing you with a multitude of other benefits.

Wash Less

Washing and shampooing your hair gets rid of accumulated dirt and sweat, but shampoo also strips the hair of sebum, which is the natural oil your scalp produces to lubricate the hair follicle and prevent loss of moisture.

While overly oily hair can lead to dandruff and acne, overcleaning the hair, or at least washing it every day, is a key contributor that’s making your hair dull, dry, and difficult to style.

Washing your hair less frequently could be the answer to your hair problems. Instead of washing your hair every single day, wash it every other day and use dry shampoo to prevent your hair from looking greasy. This will help strengthen your hair over time and make it look shinier.

Final Note

While expensive treatments promise big things for your hair, many of us can’t find a brand we can stick with. However, bad hair might not necessarily need such aftercare, as it could all come down to how you wash and style your hair. When it does come to aftercare, however, there are other options that you can find in your kitchen that can do the trick just as well, if not better.

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