There are many movies that have been made about the life of Scarlett Johansson. Her first marriage to Bruce Willis ended in divorce and she met and married the late Al Pacino in the late sixties. She appeared in the films Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Her makeup techniques have been featured on television since the seventies, when she was a model by profession and her hair styles were often photogenic. Her pictures always looked well put together and the makeup she applied on set was always impressive.

However, one cannot talk about her face without talking about her eyes. They are beautiful and the colours of the two halves match up well. In many of her earlier pictures, her eyes have had green tints. They are slightly blue today but the hue is so harmonious with the shade of the skin that it looks natural. In some of the newer pictures, her eye colour has been greatly enhanced and there is a smudge of green within her eye area.

A lot of the movies that her career has led to have given her the reputation for having beautiful (though not stunning) eyes. But those pictures are not the ones you see when you do go out into the sun. The pictures of her in action in the movies are the ones you will see. Her beauty shines through without the use of makeup. The same can be said for her personality, which has the ability to make people feel at ease with just about any outfit that is worn.

As with many of the leading ladies of Hollywood, the movies have helped to create a glamorous image for Johansson. The movies also allow her to project the kind of woman that most women want to be. The beautiful blonde hair is a natural extension of her beauty, which gives her the ability to take on almost any look she wants. Her naturally dark eyes are complimented by bright colours and the same goes for her skin. When you watch the movie, it is easy to forget that there is no artificial make up involved.

It seems that makeup only becomes important for movie stars once or twice in their career. Johansson, however, has been wearing makeup since she was a teenager. Those pictures of her on the big screen are not from her acting job, but the one where she is simply enjoying herself at the movies. It all started when she went to Vigo in Spain and got spotted by photographers that had been doing research on vampires.

That was the start of her career as an actress that would see many more of those same movie stars turn to their makeup artist for help. They wanted to be able to look as good as their favourite stars and that meant getting the right make up and even matching colours. When you look at pictures of Johansson today you can see that her face has gone through quite a makeover. There is no mistaking that this is someone who loves to take care of her body and looks after the way that she eats too.

The transformation that she has gone through over the last few years is amazing. Not only have her roles changed, but also the types of films that she is playing. We are used to seeing her as a loveable, but still exciting character in action movies, but we seem to be ignoring the more serious movies that she has appeared in. As she has shown, in the latest movies, that she can take on almost any role. From a sexy villain in The Dark Places to a heroic survivor in World War II spy thriller The Girl With One Pearl, she has proven that her versatility is one of her strongest attributes.

Her looks have changed and she has appeared in some of the best movies of recent years, but it is her ability to carry a character in any movie that is most interesting to watch. Playing a female character in a movie means that the audience will relate to that character more than they would if the star were male. It is becoming a popular trend for movie stars to star in female oriented movies, like The Hunger Games and Divergent, but Johansson has proven herself to be a unique character in every movie that she has played. No doubt, this will continue to make her one of the most popular movie stars around today.

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