If you are concerned about your oily skin, then you are not the only one! Several studies show that an estimated that up to 75% of people, ages 15-20, are affected by oily skin. The main cause behind oily skin is hormonal changes. These play a significant part in the production of oily skin, so you may experience oiliness even as an adult as your body changes over time.
It’s not just about getting rid of all of your oil; it’s about keeping your skin balanced and finding the ideal skincare routine that works for you without over-drying it.

Oily Skin Routine

Here are a few tips for dealing with oily skin:

1- Wash your Face Twice a Day

Yes, only once or twice a day. Washing your face more than twice can dry out your skin and cause your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, making your face oilier. Use foamy or gel-based cleansers twice a day as part of your oily skin care routine to remove deposited dirt and excess oil.

2- Make use of a Toner

After completely cleaning your skin and removing any makeup, debris, and oil, use an exfoliating toner containing one of the following components:

  • acid salicylic
  • lactic acid, glycolic acid

3- Exfoliate

Making a routine of exfoliating just 2-3 times a week is key to balancing out oily skin You’re probably aware that oily skin is prone to having a thick layer of dead skin cells build up on the surface, causing an overproduction of oil and breakouts. Using a serum with salicylic acid or a fruit enzyme exfoliator is the best choice for oily skin.

4- Apply a Facial Mask

A deep-cleansing facial mask containing clay can soak up excess oil, reducing shine for several days. Look for masks that contain ingredients like honey or shea butter that soothe the skin and prevent it from drying out.

5 Don’t Skip Out on Moisturizer

You can’t get away with missing moisturizer just because you have oily skin. In reality, everyone’s skincare routine should include moisturizing, including those with oily skin. Finding a moisturizer that is designed for your skin type is essential.

Oily Skincare Tips & Home Remedies

Oily skin may cause breakouts, make makeup application difficult, and make you shine like a pearl. Fortunately, there are a variety of natural methods to improve your oil supply in check.

1- Blotting Paper

These thin, little sheets won’t stop your sebaceous glands from overproducing oil, but they will help you wipe excess oil from your face and reduce glossy, greasy skin. Blotting papers are cheap and easily available. Throughout the day, use as needed.

2- Konjac Sponges

Oily skin is easier to attract dirt and dead skin, so it’s important to keep pores clean to avoid breakouts. So if you use konjac sponges made with fibers from the roots of a yam-like vegetable, they’re perfect for gentle exfoliation.

3- Honey

One of nature’s most acclaimed skin remedies is honey. It is beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Honey is a natural moisturizer, which means it keeps your skin moist but not greasy. Humectants work actively to remove moisture from the skin without replacing it.

4- Cosmetic Clay

Cosmetic clays, also referred to as healing clays, absorb excess oil from the skin and cure various skin disorders. French green clay is particularly effective at treating oily skin and acne due to its great absorbency.

5- Charcoal

Activated charcoal is entirely natural and draws out any dirt that’s hanging around the pores. It is gentle on the skin despite its powerful cleaning powers.

6- Aloe Vera

Aloe vera acts as a very calming component for many sorts of skin, not only sunburns. If your face is inflamed due to an oily/too dry/oily/oily cycle, aloe can benefit.

7- Jojoba Oil

Although using oil to oily skin appears to be counterintuitive, jojoba oil is a folk remedy to treat oily skin, acne, and other skin problems.

8- Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain salicylic acid, a common acne home remedy. The acids in tomatoes may help absorb excess skin oils and unclog pores.


As everyone’s skin is unique, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” approach to skincare. Make an appointment with a certified Dr. Haroon Nabi if you’re concerned about the amount of oil your skin produces or if you’re dealing with blackheads or acne.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- What causes oily skin?

The sebaceous glands in the skin create too much sebum, resulting in oily skin. The waxy, oily fluid that covers and moisturizes the skin is known as sebum. Sebum is vitally important to the health of the skin. Too much sebum, on the other hand, can cause oily skin, clogged pores, and acne.

2- How to get rid of oily skin fast?

  • Wash regularly.
  • Use a toner.
  • Pat the face dry
  • Use blotting papers and medicated pads
  • Use a facial mask
  • Apply moisturizers

3- What are the ways to stop oily faces during the day?

Instead of washing your face in the morning, use toner. Check to see if you’re using a toner: While we’re on the subject, incorporating a toner into your skincare routine is another effective way to stop midday oiliness. Toners reduce oil production by regulating the pH of your skin.

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